8 Home Security Tips You May Have Overlooked

8 Home Security Tips You May Have Overlooked

8 Home Security Tips You May Have Overlooked .jpg

A home should be your safe haven; it's the place you should feel the most comfortable. But, to enjoy all of this, your home must be safe. It should be well-protected and burglar proof. With the current home security advances, you have no need to keep your home and family unprotected. Uniquely enough, home security can begin with the minor things you tend to overlook

Providing hiding places for thieves

Ever wondered how burglars manage to break in a home without getting noticed? Even a neighbor passing by could have noticed unusual activity and informed your or the police. But, burglars are very smart and often aim for houses with big bushes and unkempt trees because they offer perfect hideouts. So, start by cutting the bushes and trimming the trees or shrubs that may be blocking your windows. 

Do not announce you are not home

You may be excited about the vacation, but your home’s safety should be your priority. With the current social media craze, you may be tempted to upload photos and status about your vacation. But such information leaves you exposed and compromises your home’s security. So, ensure that things run as usual even when you are away. Have a trusted friend or family pick up the mail and check your house daily for you. 

Have a clean yard

In almost all home breakages, thieves gain access through breaking windows. So, it is advisable to always clear your yard after you are done working on it each day. Keep the ladder, gardening tools; children play toys and broken tree limbs out of reach. 

Install a home alarm system

Though an alarm system is not a guarantee that your home will not be broken into, it can save the day. Depending on the alarm system features you implement, you can contact police once you receive a notification about suspicious activity on your land. Always ensure that the alarm system is engaged especially when you are not in the house.

Protect your windows

If possible, invest in shatterproof windows. They play a major role in preventing window breakages by thieves in a bid to gain access. Also, you could add security film to your windows to prevent glass from shattering if a trespasser tries to damage your windows.

Secure your sliding glass doors

Though stylish, sliding doors can often have poor locks. Thieves easily pop them open within seconds. So, consider installing security bars. These bars can make opening your sliding glass door next to impossible. It is worth incorporating this feature into all your sliding glass doors.

Change locks when necessary

If you have just moved into your home, consider changing the main door locks. You never know who else had an extra key for your home. Changing locks helps guarantee peace of mind. 

Home security is of utmost importance. Even the simplest tips can make the huge difference in ensuring the safety of your loved ones. Invest in the right home safety measures and adhere to the above tips. 
